Standing by the hill-side gazing over the Cool Culture of Otakuism!

SAF(e) Voyage

It’s almost a month since the sudden approach by the authority of the beer box scandal… I was promised a freebie Figma as compensation, but the chosen one had yet to arrive since then… ^^;

I contacted Otacute’s admin about the situation and found out that
they’d send the package using SAL service as soon as I replied with my
selection weeks ago. Since SAL service are known to be slow, I was
about to give up when Otacute surprised me yet again, stating that
they’ll sent another Figma using FedEx this time… 0_0

days since the last contact and my SAF (Suddenly Acquired Figma,
finally I can relate to this abbreviation… ^_^) reached my den~! :3

On side note, H2 just had an accident just before the photo session, in which her waist joint broke! DX

As you might’ve noticed, I’ve implemented Anti Beam Coating upon H2, giving her resistance towards beam weaponry… As the result her hair unit turned darker in pink… :D

aside, I’ve managed to hold an operation and reconnect her severed
spine to place… The bad news is she’ll suffer paralysis for the rest of
her days from back to waist… D:

Back to the SAF(e) zone, Mikkumiku noticed her arch nemesis eye to eye…

She now has a reason to fear for her dear chibi life as the Figma Forces grow ever stronger… And with her only ally suffering paralysing injury…

Run, Mikkumiku, RUN~!

Mikkumiku need to bolster her army’s (!?) numbers soon…

Sygnum is such a wonderful specimen that I had to sacrifice Lily’s Figma Transport to allow the pink warrior a room… Sorry Lily, back to your box, then… >,<

I like the fact Sygnum can cast off her soft rubbery jacket and the hard PVC hanging skirt thingie… I’ll leave her in her seductive Cheong Sam-esque inner dress from now on… :D

And thank you again, Otacute!

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